Sunday, April 10, 2011

Falling asleep while eating

Miss C bundled up
Okay so I am finally ready to post some pictures of Miss Ceilidh eating. She did really well on small feeds. Heck I was so proud when I first bottle fed her but that was only 6cc's no wonder it was so easy. Friday was harder. Even though I fed her freshly pumped milk she still would take almost an hour to go through her bottle. They generally want her to finish within 30 minutes. This meant that for all her night time feedings it was done through her feeding tube.  By Sunday morning (today) she was up to 53cc and she only took 20cc by bottle and was fed the rest through her tube. The doctor recomended having an occupational therapist consult to see if something can be done to help her feed through the bottle. Generally she just falls asleep. By midnight she will be removed from her TPN (food through IV) and she will be exclusively on boob juice. The doctor also recommended trying her directly on the boob this afternoon to see if she has better luck with feeding off of me then through her bottle. No pictures will be posted of that event. = )
So we continue to wait and see how she tolerates each graduation in feed. For her birth weight she needs to be at 60-70cc of food. With that she also needs to show that she is gaining weight and that she is processing her food, read poopy diaper. Taking one feeding at a time.
M feeding his little girl

Me feeding Miss C.


  1. Thank you so much for the pictures! She is absolutely adorable and lucky to have such loving parents :) Please do let me know how the afternoon attempt went.

  2. The feeding issues she's having sounds almost exactly like Aisling's! She at first took most of it through the tube and only a little by bottle....breast she did take to it once in awhile, and then we'd bottle too after that. One day at a time!! She'll catch on, no doubt about that <3
