Wednesday, March 14, 2012

11 1/2 months we have a tooth

It has been a month since my last update and I feel so much has happened in the last two weeks. The most recent is we finally have a real tooth, and it isn't that nubby that I thought was a tooth. Don't know what that is but will check with the dentist in May when she goes for her first appointment. Her first real tooth is the top front tooth, which is funny because usually the bottom ones come in first. Ceilidh just keeps bucking trends. Sadly, I fear 3 other teeth are soon to follow. Sad for her because I am sure it cannot be pleasant. At least she has been on Advil for her ear infection so hopefully that helped ease the pain of the first tooth. Yes, Ceilidh has had her first ear infection. It started off as a cold (which we both had) and I thought she was getting better and then it moved to her chest. I was worried that it might be something more serious since we were going on day 10 so took her to the doctor. It turned out to be a ear infection. I hear they are the most common childhood illness, however, neither Matt nor I have ever had one. I hope these will not be common for her. It took a couple of days of antibiotics before I saw an improvement. The worst was when she would cough she would activate her gag reflex and everything would come up. Poor thing. But now the drugs are over and I think she is better, except now she has all those teeth coming in.  We did dodge a bullet though, we missed out on a play date because she was sick and it turns out all the babes and some mothers got hand foot and mouth disease. There was about 8 babes in the group. So I guess the ear infection was a blessing in disguise.

But moving on to her other progress. No she is not walking yet. She still grabs on to things and can walk with holding on to one of our fingers but doesn't want to let go. Her balance though has improved leaps and bounds. The exciting things are holding her own sippy cup and clapping. Okay exciting for us. Just remember this will be her baby book so I have to mention these things. While she has been able to drink from a sippy cup for a while she had not mastered the art of doing it well by herself. It perplexed her that the water wouldn't come out well because she couldn't tilt it back. Now she does it like a pro. She even knows how to drink from a small cup by herself. Although I don't put a lot of water in because she will drink from it and then dump the rest out. Better to give her just enough for one drink. The clapping of the hands is very cute. I kind of noticed it when I was at a play group and they were singing "If you are happy and you know it clap your hands" and she kind of did. But then didn't repeat it for another week. Now she knows if you say "clap your hands" she drops everything to clap. The other thing she has figured out is going down the stairs. The up was the easy part but teaching her to go down safely was harder. We kept putting her on her belly to go down and she kept turning around. Then about 3 weeks ago she finally got it. Now it is funny to see her do it for everything. Sometimes she starts to early and then turns around to figure out why she isn't at the drop of yet. Well at least she is safe.

Soon enough she will be one. Just over 2 weeks. Can't wait to see what she does in the mean time.