Monday, April 11, 2011

Crash and burn

Well little Miss C started off well enough with the attempt to breast feed. And then she would forget what she was doing and fall asleep, I wonder how old you have to be to be diagnosed with narcolepsia. At one point I just started to laugh because it was so funny that one second she was awake and the next asleep.
Sadly breastfeeding is not always the easiest thing for babies to get and that is compounded by the fact that for the first week of her life she didn't have to do anything. It was like being right back in the wound she constantly had food in her tummy this time it wasn't because the umbilical cord but thanks to the TPN (total parental nutrition)  which was given to her via IV. There was no need to learn these new fandangle ways of eating ie bottle and/or breast, the indignity of it all, how dare we expect it!
They bottled her only once last night and then she received the rest of her feeds through her feeding tube. Her TPN is now over so she is exclusively eating breast milk. She will actually be on full feeds later on this afternoon, which in a perfect world would mean we might be able to take her home. However, until she learns how to either take a bottle complete with full feeds or feed directly off me then she is still calling CHEO her home. She not only has to take in the feeds but keep them in, which is hard when you get gas while eating and her tummy is still sensitive to pressures.
Speaking of tummy, her incision (if you can call it that since they didn't so much cut as close) is healing well. She is the youngest person I know who has a tummy tuck. They now have it covered with a simple gauze to air it out and promote more healing. She will get another ultrasound next week to continue to check her progress inside her tummy. It will be interesting to see how her psuedo belly bottom will look once it is done healing.

My last note for the day is my ankles are back! The swelling is now gone. I think this calls for a celebration with new sandals. Sadly little Miss C is still naked other then for her diaper so I can't even show you cute booties that she has or any other outfit for that matter. Well at least she has all those receiving blankets.
Thanks for the receiving blankets.

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