Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Irony of Weight

We are at 29 weeks. I only have 9 more weeks of work and 10 weeks till Wee Smith greets us. Thursday was a marathon of appointments, 4 in one day. Wee Smith is at an ample 2lbs 9 ounces which is at the 42 percentile, and for its small tummy and Omphalocele this is good. Everything else for the baby remained status quo, it is having its own dance party in my belly. As Wee gets bigger not only do I feel the kicks but also just the movements. I think it has taken to leaning on my right side of my belly.

The only thing different was my weight. For those who know me I am 5 foot nothing and curvy to boot. I have never had a problem gaining weight, my downfall has always been chips. So this pregnancy has been somewhat ironic on the weight gaining thing. Despite my increase in the amount of snacks I consume and reveling in chip goodness I have somehow managed to NOT balloon out. This may be partly due to the fact that from early on I haven't been able to eat a lot, at least not in one sitting, as the food just sits there. So the workaround is to eat smaller meals/snacks more frequently. Monday to Friday I have a snack 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 2 pm and 3pm, and lunch somewhere in there. Weekends are more unpredictable, but M is always carrying snacks for me. Imagine my surprise then when I was told I lost weight. And let me just say it was just one pound over 2 weeks. I got a lecture from both the nurse and the doctor. You think I had some sort of eating disorder. Maybe I lost the weight because I was sick with the cold for a week, maybe the baby is just sucking all my nutrients with its mixed martial arts practicing I am convinced it is doing in my belly. Who knows, what I do know is these medical professionals really take their weight gaining seriously.
And I tried to take it seriously, only to have it blow up in my face. On Friday I tried to up what I ate during my evening meal and the result...heartburn. But not just for a couple of hours, the whole night, I was popping those tums like they were going out of style. And sleeping on the recliner is not fun but the alternative of trying to lay on my side was too painful. What have I learned, I rather listen to my body then the medical staff, I may get a lecture but at least I won't be ill. et tu heartburn!

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