Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sleeping in the night

Notice that I write sleeping in the night and not through the night. I laugh any time anyone asks if Miss C is sleeping through the night. Really who sleeps through the night anyways. I certainly don' cat who is a master of sleeping even wakes up in the middle of night, sometimes this coincides when I wake up, I think she is hoping for food.

No Miss C is not sleeping through the night but she has managed to sleep for 4 hours in the a row. This is what I call her first shift usually from 9 to 1. Then she wakes up, eats and generally goes back down without even knowing that she even woke up. The second shift is trickier this usually happens around 3am, notice that while she can sleep 4 hours for the first shift the second is only 2 to 2 1/2 hours. This is where I try to sneak in a diaper change and this is inevitably where she pees mid-diaper change which then means outfit change. I am usually cursing at my self wondering how I could let this happen yet again, fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me, fool me for the 6 billion times...why don't I learn. There is no sleeper out there that is quick to change her out of so by the time we are done she might require more food. I have been known to crack during this feeding and if she does not want to go back to sleep this is where I sleep with her in the single bed in her nursery. Actually, she sleeps I wait till she falls asleep and wait for 30 mins or an hour and then try to put her back in her crib. Sometimes I fall asleep and wake up to her grunting and squirming. She isn't awake. Ceilidh suffers from morning gas and while she doesn't wake up you can tell she is trying to work through something "complicated". This can be from 5am till when ever I crack and pick her up third shift. I have tried several things to relieve pressure or move things along, rubbing back, warm blanket on her tummy, putting her on my lap on her tummy, vibrating chair. She isn't truly happy till a couple of diaper changes later. So that is our night. I must say it isn't bad and it's amazing what you get use to. The nurse this week mentioned that once they hit 12 pounds they are then capable of sleeping through the night which is 6 hours. Ceilidh is only 10 lbs 9 oz this week.
I don't think we will hit 12 for another 3 weeks. But nap time during the day is better I think she has 5 naps during the day, really her and the cat could be partners in crime. They need to combine their forces and nap together.

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