Friday, December 17, 2010

Week 23: I hate Ultrasounds

So yesterday I had my regular appointment and of course another ultrasound. I really don't look forward to ultrasounds. I usually can't sleep the night before because I fret if they are going to find something new. I know we are out of the woods relatively speaking but I still can't help but feel what if they find something new this time around. Needless, to say it went well...I mean the Omphalocele is still there and the liver is still in it but otherwise the baby is doing well. The joke is that the baby has a beer belly and hence the liver wants to boycott the body due to its beer belly issues. = ) You have to find humor in the situation.We also found out that the Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome test results came back negative so more good news.

Next on the people to meet & greet, and new appointments list is 1. Fetal Echo-cardiogram: to monitor how the baby's ticker is doing. Although the anatomy scan showed all is well the recommendation came from both the surgeon and genetic counselor. 2. Meet with the anesthesiologist: I didn't think you would meet with them till D-day but I guess when you know you are having a planned c-section it is part of the entourage of people you meet.

And I saved the best for last. While I have been feeling the baby kick for a while they haven't been strong enough to feel them on the outside. That changed last week when I could start feeling them outward but Wee Smith isn't a trick pony and won't do it on command. But this morning M. felt the baby kick for the first time. I thought that was pretty cool!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to heat the BW test came back negative. Yay for Matt feeling the kick. I kinda like it when babe's don't kick on command, I like to think it means that they exerting their independence! Keeping you three in our prayers.
