Monday, December 6, 2010

Family Christmas Party

Yesterday we went to a family Christmas party on the Smith side. It was the first time we would see everyone since we found out about the Omphalocele. So it would give us an opportunity to explain to some of what we have gone through. It went a lot better then I expected. I also think it was easier to share all this news at this time seeing that all the test had come back in our favour and we know that this thing is repairable. Better to let people know that yes the news sucks but its operable. 
Even better was the pool that one amazing cousin started. For a twooney ($2) you got to choose a date when you think Wee will be born and guess its sex (ha ha we already know DNA doesn't lie but we aren't sharing this news till Wee Smith is born).
The prize is bragging rights and a tax receipt in their name. The money will be matched by M & me as well as that amazing cousin T&M and given to CHEO. I couldn't ask for a better sign of support.


  1. No kidding, I want in too! Do they have a website going, and can people outside of the Smith/St. Pierre family get in on it?
