Sunday, April 8, 2012

A year has come and gone

The few times we have her hair down

She is trying to show you her teeth and her Easter dress
Here we are Easter 2012, and Ceilidh is now a year and a week. We have come a long way from last year when Easter was later in April and we were bringing her home after 23 days in the hospital. Well she is now walking and started at 11 months 3 weeks, which is exactly the time her dad walked (I had just finished reading his baby book so the date stuck in my mind). First day I noticed was at library group she walked from me to another mom. She does a lot of first at library group, how I will miss all those fun times. After that day Matt and I played the game where we tried to get Ceilidh to walk from me to him and from him to me. But we need not have bothered. Her true motivation is other kids. My last strollercize get together we had a potluck and there were more kids then usual. And there were a few older ones, by that I mean 3, and she was doing her best to keep up with them which meant walking. Everyday she gets more and more comfortable in her walking. I guess we are officially in trouble.
She had her own birthday cake and I also made one for everyone else
We bought her a lawn mower that blows bubbles,  fun times

On other fronts her teeth count is now at 4. The two top and the two bottom are all in. Just waiting for two others that I can see in the gums to drop. We finally confirmed that she knows I am Mamma and Matt is Dadda. After her first two hours at day care last week, when I went to go pick her up she saw me and was saying Mamma. Glad that is confirmed. With Matt it was the fact that she would point at his picture and say Dadda. We think she is figuring out the sign for milk, and all done but not a hundred percent sure yet.
Her birthday celebration was really low key. We had a birthday supper the night before with her favourite meal, which included cheese, noodles with meat sauce, and banana bread birthday cake. For her actual birthday we took her to the Experimental farm where she met all the farm animals, including a little lamb born that day. Hard to believe Ceilidh was once that small too. Her Nanna visited that weekend and spoiled her silly. This Easter her Grandpa and came down for a visit and they had a blast together. She had no chocolate but had some home made doughnuts, which I think are a millions times better then any chocolate eggs.
At the experimental farm with her bee hat at the bee exhibit

Home after some play time outside
I will try to keep updating this blog, but I think it may now be every month or two.

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