Monday, December 12, 2011

Genetics follow up

Her new friend
Last week Ceilidh had a follow up appointment with Genetics at CHEO. Basically Dr. G just wanted to follow up and see how she is progressing to rule out any syndrome that could not be diagnosed at birth, which is the last time she saw Ceilidh. I am happy to say that the Doctors think she does not have any syndromes which are often associated with Omphaloceles. She is meeting all important milestones thus far and is now 16 lbs.
Some of those milestones have only recently been displayed. Now that she can crawl fairly well she has moved on to lifting herself up using furniture or a my leg if available. However, she is not always sure how to get back down. She knows how to pivot from one piece of furniture to another if they are close but does not realize that she should be using her legs. If she sees me sitting by her she kind of throws herself in my arms I guess she knows I will catch her, so trusting.
Standing up and playing
The other cool things she is doing this week is waving goodbye and giving kisses. We have been trying to teach her how to wave good bye to Matt as he leaves for work every morning. We have not been certain that she understood. Matt was away last week so she hadn't practiced for a week. This morning Matt had put his jacket and shoes on to go to work and Ceilidh saw this as she was sitting in her highchair having breakfast, without any prompting Ceilidh started waving goodbye. So cool!
Enjoying blackberries
Lastly, she is really progressing in eating. She now has the capability of using her fingers and thumb in a pincer grasp to pick up food. This makes it so much easier for her to pick up small pieces of food such as cheerios. You can get a better sense of her enjoying food. But her mothers milk is still her favourite choice.

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