Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rough night

Smiling during tummy time

Ceilidh is pretty good about her night time sleeping. Last night though she kept waking up quite frequently 12 am, 2, 3 and 4. Needless to say I was very tired by morning and looking forward to a relatively quiet day. The culprit I believe is her first tooth. I can see a little nuby sticking out of her bottom jaw on her gum line. She must not be comfortable and kept waking up to be soothed. While I can tell she is fussier during the day at least she has teething toys which she can stick in her mouth. At night she doesn't have this distraction so she must wake up more frequently due to the pain. I am glad they don't remember this later on. Ouch.
My Ceilidh Bear with her daddy

On other notes Ceilidh is hovering around 14 lbs. We are still trying to introduce her to the world of food not expecting her to eat anything but wanting her to get the feel of trying to put food in her mouth. So far she has managed to gum watermelon, peaches, and carrots. We are trying the approach of letting her have whole foods and feed herself and not puree everything. She isn't six months yet so we don't really expect too much. If nothing else she sits in her high chair and plays (sometimes with food) while we have supper. Her favourtie game is throwing her rings on the floor (that's what we give her to play with). She gums each one, and then they end up on the floor. She has enough to last her through supper so we don't have to collect them till the end. Image when she gets food, to bad the cat only likes cat food it would be helpful in cleaning up the mess.
Trying watermelon

Trying carrots

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