Monday, October 17, 2011

Growth spurt

She only bites meat
Ceilidh has managed to put on half a pound in a week. Something she has not done in two months. Wow it is amazing how these growth spurt works. She now weighs in at 15 lbs. She is still experimenting with food and trying to figure out how to get the cat to sit still while she pets her. She really likes meat be it beef, pork, chicken, turkey you name it she likes it. It's the only thing she attacks with gusto. For a girl who has no teeth she somehow manages to gnaw of pieces and swallow them. The cat is also enjoying Miss C's love of meat as she has learned to pounce on the pieces that Ceilidh drops on the floor. Great we finally managed to get the cat to lose 3 pounds in a year only have her possibly gain it back again. At least Miss C hasn't put it together that the cat is eating her meat otherwise I could see her purposefully dropping said meat. The other food Ceilidh has various degrees of success and has different levels of enjoyment. It is really funny to watch her try to eat the rice cereal as she is still working out how the spoon works. I just load it (both sides since she doesn't comprehend that only one side is suppose to go in) and she tries to maneuver it into her mouth.
Eating cereal

"Screw the ball I want the cat"

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe how quickly she is growing. I love those beautiful curls :)
